Rehabilitation Medicine Center of New York

NYC Locations: 80 Maiden Lane | Park Ave

Rehabilitation Medicine Center of New York

80 Maiden Ln, New York, NY 10038 | 212-619-2610

Rehabilitation Medicine Center of New York
Rehabilitation Medicine Center of New York

Authorized by the New York Workers’ Compensation Board

Trigger Point Injection

Learn More About Trigger Point Injection

A trigger point is a tight band of muscle that causes pain during activity and/or at rest. Tightness is sometimes described as a knot in the muscle, which often can be felt as a lump beneath the skin. Symptoms of a trigger point may include:

  • Local tenderness (i.e., neck, shoulder, low back)
  • Local muscle twitching
  • Reduced range of motion
  • One or more areas of muscle tightness
  • Trigger points can affect any muscle in the body.
  • Referred pain. For example, if you have a trigger point in your neck, pain may be referred to your upper shoulder(s) or arms.

Common causes

The following list is not complete, but will give you an idea of how a muscular trigger point may develop.

  • Repetitive stress/movement of a particular muscle or group of muscles
  • Cradling a telephone receiver between your chin and shoulder
  • Bending forward for a prolonged period of time (muscle stress)
  • Poor back support while seated.
  • Lifting something that is too heavy and/or poor body mechanics.

Trigger point injection

At Rehabilitation Medicine Center of New York, we insert a small needle into the trigger point and inject a local anesthetic. The trigger point injection may include a corticosteroid (powerful anti-inflammatory drug). The injection only takes a few minutes, and more than one trigger point can be treated at the same time.

Your treatment plan may include physical therapy and guidance about how to prevent future trigger points from developing.

what PAtients are Saying

5 Stars

"Smart, compassionate, well-informed, and very helpful with my considerable needs"

-Camila G.

Source: Google

5 Stars

"... Dr. Colon makes sure he provides the best care for you. The team of doctors that he works with and the office are efficient and supportive. Seriously highly recommended"

-Tom P.

Source: Google

5 Stars

"Fantastic Doctor. Really smart and empathetic. Highly recommend him."

-Judith F.

Source: ZocDoc


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